Available livesim2 live assets!


The following is a list of assets and MPDs of these assets.
They can be streamed with URLs like https://livesim2.dashif.org/livesim2/<asset>/<mpd>


loop: 30000ms

MPD URLDescriptionDuration
stream.mpd Copy Play croatia, 1920x1080, 25.0fps, cfhd, Test Vector 1 PT30S


loop: 28028ms

MPD URLDescriptionDuration
stream.mpd Copy Play PT29.996S


loop: 3600000ms

MPD URLDescriptionDuration
Manifest.mpd Copy Play Video 30fps at 1200, 600, and 300kbps. Audio 48kHz 48kbps PT1H
Manifest300.mpd Copy Play Video 640x360@30 300kbps. Audio 48kHz 48kbps PT1H
Manifest600.mpd Copy Play Video 640x360@30 at 600kbps and 300kbps. Audio 48kHz 48kbps PT1H


loop: 3600000ms

MPD URLDescriptionDuration
Manifest.mpd Copy Play Basic MPD with 640x480@30 video at 300kbp and 48kbps audio PT1H
Manifest_avc3.mpd Copy Play Manifest.mpd but with avc3 codec signaling PT1H
Manifest_dvb.mpd Copy Play Manifest.mpd extended with DVB profiles PT1H
Manifest_stpp.mpd Copy Play Manifest.mpd extended with stpp subtitles PT1H
Manifest_thumbs.mpd Copy Play Manifest.mpd extended with DASH-IF image subtitle track PT1H
Manifest_trickmode.mpd Copy Play Manifest.mpd extended with DASH trick mode track PT1H
audio.mpd Copy Play Audio only 48kHz at 48kbps PT1H
cea608.mpd Copy Play Video includes two CEA-608 caption tracks PT1H
cea608_and_segs.mpd Copy Play cea608.mpd extended with stpp subtitle track PT1H
img_subs.mpd Copy Play Manifest.mpd extended with image subtitles in side-loaded TTML format (not supported by livesim) PT14S
imsc1_img.mpd Copy Play Manifest.mpd with properly signaled IMSC-1 stpp image subtitles. Only one minute PT1M
multi_subs.mpd Copy Play Manifest.mpd extended with 5 subtitle and caption tracks in stpp format PT1H
stpp_one_region.mpd Copy Play Manifest.mpd extended with `S1_one_region` stpp subtitles PT1H
stpp_two_regions.mpd Copy Play Manifest.mpd extended with `S1_two_regions` stpp subtitles PT1H
stpp_two_regions_multi_color.mpd Copy Play Manifest.mpd extended with `S1_two_regions_multi_colors` stpp subtitles PT1H
ttml_subs.mpd Copy Play Manifest.mpd extended with side-loaded TTML files (1h) (not supported by livesim) PT1H
webvtt_subs.mpd Copy Play Manifest.mpd extended with side-loaded TTML files (1h) (not supported by livesim) PT1H


loop: 3600000ms

MPD URLDescriptionDuration
Manifest.mpd Copy Play 640x360@30fps, 48kHz audio at 48kbps PT1H
mixeddur.mpd Copy Play 1h with 2s video and 6s audio segments PT1H
multiaudio.mpd Copy Play 640x360@30, 48kHz with two audio tracks (same content) PT1H


loop: 8000ms

MPD URLDescriptionDuration
stream.mpd Copy Play croatia, 1920x1080, 25.0fps, cfhd, Test Vector 3 PT8S


loop: 8008ms

MPD URLDescriptionDuration
stream.mpd Copy Play tos, 1920x1080, 29.97002997002997fps, cfhd, Test Vector 1 PT8.007999999S
stream_w_beeps.mpd Copy Play tos, 1920x1080, 29.97002997002997fps, cfhd, Test Vector 1 for 8008ms + livesim beeps PT8.007999999S


loop: 8000ms

MPD URLDescriptionDuration
Manifest.mpd Copy Play 640x360@30 video, 48kHz audio, 2s segments PT8S
Manifest_imsc1.mpd Copy Play 640x360@30 video, 48kHz audio, two imsc1 subtitle tracks, 2s segments PT8S
Manifest_thumbs.mpd Copy Play 640x360@30 video, 48kHz audio, DASH-IF thumnail track, 2s segments PT8S


loop: 12000ms

MPD URLDescriptionDuration
Manifest.mpd Copy Play 640x360@30fps, 48kHz audio at 48kbps, SegmentTemplate with $Number$. Audio/videe dur mismatch PT12S


loop: 8000ms

MPD URLDescriptionDuration
Manifest.mpd Copy Play 640x360@30 video, 48kHz audio, 8s segments PT8S