Features comparison between livesim1 and livesim2

This is a a partial comparison of features in livesim1 and livesim2. It is intended as an introduction and inspiration for future work on livesim2.

STPP time subtitlesGenerate stpp timestamps subtitlesYesNo
STPP update subtitlesUpdate timestamps in VoD contents stpp segmentsYesYes
SessionIDIndividual sessionIDs with timeout via LocationNoYes
Max nr requestsMaximum number of requests per 24h/IP addressYesNo
Non-integral segment durationAverage segment duration not an integral number of secondsYesNo
SegmentTimeline inputSupport SegmentTimeline Vod contentYesNo
Latency target parameterURL parameter to set latency targetYesNo
Support for 29.97Hz videoAllow non-matching audio/video durationsNot yetNo
MPD PatchDeliver MPD patch as an alternative to full MPDNoNo
Insert Ad contentInsert a second video and mark as adsNoNo

There are also differences in details:

PublishTimePublishTime reflects time of latest change in MPDYesNo
Minimum Update Period defaultSegmentDuration for $Number$YesNo
Minimum Update Period default100years for $Number$NoYes

It may be good to move this to a wiki or project page for planning of future work.